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Individual Results: 104th Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim

Individuals: Men Ladies | Teams: Men | Ladies
Date: Sat 21 Sep 2024
Distance: 2,350m
Best Of 5:
Points for COTY:
Points for SOTY:
Total Results: 21

Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
31 Anne Weadick 738 4390 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:09:00 01:01:44 00:52:44 45 85 54 17 55 84 26 00:02:14 4
49 Barbara McManus 682 4405 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:05:00 01:03:17 00:58:17 71 44 102 10 0 44 48 00:02:28 4
50 Aislinn Walsh 1048 2173 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:07:00 01:03:19 00:56:19 65 62 82 12 13 61 46 00:02:23 4
52 Claire O'Gara 1078 4021 F Eastern Bay U25 00:18:00 01:03:23 00:45:23 15 147 3 6 96 104 3 00:01:55 3
53 Ide Mulcahy 1687 4054 F Eastern Bay Master 00:05:00 01:03:33 00:58:33 72 44 102 10 0 44 51 00:02:29 3
65 Melissa Curran 1350 2542 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:10:00 01:05:00 00:55:00 54 102 43 11 38 81 36 00:02:20 3
66 Miriam Malone 1792 4543 F Eastern Bay Master 00:06:00 01:05:02 00:59:02 74 54 94 8 0 51 62 00:02:30 3
83 Ciara Dermody 679 451 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:06:00 01:07:30 01:01:30 82 54 94 8 0 46 71 00:02:37 3
96 Karen Butterly 695 1164 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:08:00 01:11:12 01:03:12 90 74 71 11 0 51 64 00:02:41 3
97 Helen O'Reilly 869 313 F Eastern Bay Master 00:03:00 01:11:27 01:08:27 104 25 124 7 0 24 95 00:02:54 3
109 Anna Marie Mooney 654 628 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:05:00 01:13:16 01:08:16 103 44 102 10 0 29 88 00:02:54 3
110 Bettina Korn 1740 874 F Eastern Bay Master 00:08:00 01:13:20 01:05:20 98 74 71 11 0 40 66 00:02:46 3
120 Mary Patterson 1951 4233 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:01:00 01:15:32 01:14:32 128 4 141 11 0 4 117 00:03:10 3
127 Eileen Cantwell 984 802 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:03:00 01:18:11 01:15:11 131 25 124 7 0 13 111 00:03:11 3
133 Clodagh Quinn 866 4374 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:02:00 01:19:08 01:17:08 137 15 131 10 0 9 119 00:03:16 3
134 Sheila Knowles 889 1409 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:04:00 01:19:18 01:15:18 132 32 112 12 0 13 104 00:03:12 3
137 Helen Fagan 1891 1063 F Eastern Bay Master 00:06:00 01:19:24 01:13:24 124 54 94 8 0 12 88 00:03:07 3
140 Helen Fagan 1891 1063 F Eastern Bay Master 00:07:00 01:19:43 01:12:43 119 62 82 12 0 12 80 00:03:05 3
141 Yvonne McDonough 1729 4530 F Eastern Bay Master 00:07:00 01:19:46 01:12:46 120 62 82 12 0 12 80 00:03:05 3
146 Paula McGrane 713 2868 F Eastern Bay Master 00:01:00 01:22:20 01:21:20 146 4 141 11 0 1 136 00:03:27 3
154 Leona Judge 1323 710 F Eastern Bay Master 00:01:00 01:29:46 01:28:46 152 4 141 11 0 1 141 00:03:46 3