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Individual Results: 104th Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim

Individuals: Men Ladies | Teams: Men | Ladies
Date: Sat 21 Sep 2024
Distance: 2,350m
Best Of 5:
Points for COTY:
Points for SOTY:
Total Results: 9

Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
1 Simon Murray 1208 2133 M Guinness 25-39 00:17:00 00:50:42 00:33:42 1 199 4 4 199 197 0 00:01:26 10
36 Dermot Delany 541 514 M Guinness Master 00:11:00 00:55:50 00:44:50 46 120 63 24 85 116 30 00:01:54 4
58 Mark May 1335 1217 M Guinness Vet 00:12:00 00:56:58 00:44:58 49 144 42 21 87 121 25 00:01:54 3
66 Gary Smith 835 1053 M Guinness Master 00:13:00 00:57:25 00:44:25 42 165 24 18 100 123 15 00:01:53 3
103 Emmett Delaney 1272 1994 M Guinness 25-39 00:11:00 01:00:09 00:49:09 86 120 63 24 18 82 48 00:02:05 3
119 Jason Russell 702 881 M Guinness Master 00:09:00 01:00:53 00:51:53 115 96 95 16 0 61 75 00:02:12 3
123 Shay Dillon 665 643 M Guinness Super Master 00:06:00 01:01:01 00:55:01 141 46 139 22 0 33 102 00:02:20 3
125 Stephen Millane 1728 4445 M Guinness Master 00:09:00 01:01:05 00:52:05 116 96 95 16 0 58 77 00:02:12 3
167 Geoff Morrissey 1706 4421 M Guinness Vet 00:06:00 01:03:58 00:57:58 163 46 139 22 0 20 127 00:02:28 3