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Individual Results: 104th Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim

Individuals: Men Ladies | Teams: Men | Ladies
Date: Sat 21 Sep 2024
Distance: 2,350m
Best Of 5:
Points for COTY:
Points for SOTY:
Total Results: 10

Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
5 Joey Veitch 739 4364 M Half Moon U25 00:16:00 00:52:51 00:36:51 6 191 8 8 187 188 2 00:01:34 8
8 Sean Monaghan 1620 4020 M Half Moon U25 00:18:00 00:53:29 00:35:29 3 203 0 4 196 194 0 00:01:30 7
17 Paul O'Flynn 875 275 M Half Moon Vet 00:13:00 00:54:12 00:41:12 19 165 24 18 149 160 11 00:01:45 6
20 Stephen Millar 765 634 M Half Moon Master 00:13:00 00:54:39 00:41:39 23 165 24 18 146 160 11 00:01:46 6
21 Paul Wynne ABFU 1607 4048 M Half Moon Super Master 00:11:00 00:54:41 00:43:41 35 120 63 24 100 118 19 00:01:51 5
70 Hugo Camacho Romero 1092 360 M Half Moon Super Master 00:11:00 00:57:46 00:46:46 67 120 63 24 51 103 41 00:01:59 3
90 Conall McAteer 1340 4137 M Half Moon U25 00:13:00 00:59:11 00:46:11 60 165 24 18 76 107 19 00:01:57 3
142 Emmet Howlett 615 4151 M Half Moon U25 00:16:00 01:02:10 00:46:10 59 191 8 8 50 60 7 00:01:57 3
154 Ronan Dalton 879 629 M Half Moon Super Master 00:05:00 01:02:45 00:57:45 160 33 161 13 0 21 138 00:02:27 3
205 Kevin Burns 1754 2857 M Half Moon Master 00:02:00 01:19:45 01:17:45 207 2 190 15 0 0 189 00:03:18 3