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Individual Results: Eastern Bay Cups - Low Rock Portmarnock

Individuals: Men Ladies | Teams: Men | Ladies
Date: Sat 22 Jun 2024
Distance: 1,500m
Best Of 5:
Points for COTY:
Points for SOTY:
Total Results: 7

Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
4 Maebhe Connolly 610 1144 F Wicklow Vet 00:07:30 00:41:05 00:33:35 59 51 72 3 48 48 0 00:02:14 8
37 Angela Leonard 547 396 F Wicklow Master 00:05:00 00:42:47 00:37:47 97 13 93 20 0 7 26 00:02:31 4
41 Jennifer Murrin 804 362 F Wicklow Vet 00:14:00 00:42:54 00:28:54 19 96 25 5 56 57 0 00:01:55 4
78 Heidi Sheehy 894 1679 F Wicklow Master 00:13:00 00:44:02 00:31:02 33 90 32 4 13 28 14 00:02:04 3
98 Susie Gurrie 1319 2861 F Wicklow U25 00:15:30 00:45:22 00:29:52 25 108 14 4 11 19 7 00:01:59 3
109 Jill Connolly 1161 2783 F Wicklow U25 00:21:30 00:46:18 00:24:48 2 125 0 1 17 16 0 00:01:39 3
112 Nikki Fry 917 481 F Wicklow Vet 00:08:00 00:46:27 00:38:27 104 54 66 6 0 3 55 00:02:33 3