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Individual Results: LOS - Bray

Individuals: Mixed | Teams: Men | Ladies
Date: Sun 28 Jul 2024
Distance: 1,600m
Best Of 5:
Points for COTY:
Points for SOTY:
Total Results: 8

Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
14 Kevin Masterson 701 4063 M Swan Leisure 25-39 00:12:00 00:50:52 00:38:52 49 115 82 8 102 112 20 00:02:25 6
19 Michael Gleeson 801 4289 M Swan Leisure Vet 00:15:30 00:51:41 00:36:11 35 162 38 5 144 146 18 00:02:15 6
23 Sophie Ryan 554 1809 F Swan Leisure Vet 00:10:00 00:53:10 00:43:10 79 92 106 7 70 88 40 00:02:41 5
28 Eve Skelton 1497 4130 F Swan Leisure U25 00:07:00 00:53:51 00:46:51 104 69 135 1 42 65 50 00:02:55 5
29 Siobhán Masterson 813 4361 F Swan Leisure 25-39 00:10:30 00:53:56 00:43:26 83 99 104 2 71 91 47 00:02:42 5
83 Colin Grimes 1669 4018 M Swan Leisure 25-39 00:14:00 01:00:36 00:46:36 101 140 55 10 58 35 51 00:02:54 3
64 Gladis Vela 523 4423 F Swan Leisure 25-39 00:08:30 01:02:30 00:54:00 144 81 120 4 18 45 89 00:03:22 3
118 Alan Saul 755 4387 M Swan Leisure Master 00:01:00 01:14:01 01:13:01 205 6 193 6 0 0 193 00:04:33 3