Note: You are viewing historical results. We try to keep these correct but functionality moves on, rule changes are put in place, reference numbers and even peoples names change. Use this as a guide only!
Thanks to Neil from for providing the pre 2022 results.
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Pauline Carey
Club: Dublin
Total Races: 10
Total Qualifier Races: 10
Total SOTY Races: 8
Total SOTY Points: 25
Race Qualifier COTY Points SOTY Points Type Date Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
Glenalbyn Masters Ladies 14 Jun 17 Pauline Carey F Dublin NA 00:01:45 00:36:38 00:34:53 65 20 75 2 4 20 16 00:02:19 6
Garda SC Sp Olympics Ladies 04 Jul 67 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:02:00 00:37:00 00:35:00 67 24 65 6 0 14 55 00:02:20 3
St Vincents Ladies 19 Jul 70 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:02:00 00:33:09 00:31:09 75 22 68 5 0 4 50 00:01:56 3
Cyril Duff Memorial Ladies 01 Aug 67 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:02:00 00:32:32 00:30:32 68 22 69 1 0 17 61 00:02:02 3
Wicklow SC Ladies 02 Aug 73 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:02:00 00:35:56 00:33:56 74 14 67 3 0 4 61 00:02:15 3
Phoenix SC Ladies 03 Aug 61 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:01:45 00:35:10 00:33:25 62 10 59 2 0 6 55 00:02:05 3
North Star SC Ladies 08 Aug 51 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:01:30 00:37:22 00:35:52 49 20 41 1 0 9 39 00:02:14 3
Healy O'Kane Ladies 09 Aug 38 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:01:15 00:33:44 00:32:29 46 12 47 1 0 11 36 00:02:01 4
Wendy Herbst 3K Ladies 16 Aug 46 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:00:00 00:49:29 00:49:29 46 0 0 55 0 0 0 00:01:38
Dunlaoghaire Harbour Ladies 23 Aug 82 Pauline Carey F Dublin F60 00:01:15 00:49:03 00:47:48 84 11 83 1 0 8 78 00:02:10 3