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Individual Results: Dublin SC - Killiney Beach

Individuals: Men Ladies | Teams: Men | Ladies
Date: Sat 15 Jun 2024
Distance: 1,600m
Best Of 5:
Points for COTY:
Points for SOTY:
Total Results: 23

Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points
143 Ray O'Connor 1418 4309 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:02:00 00:41:51 00:39:51 148 147 0 1 6 5 0 00:02:29 3
112 Carmel Ahearn 1019 392 F Eastern Bay Master 00:01:00 00:42:17 00:41:17 113 23 92 6 0 5 88 00:02:34 3
140 Thomas Martin 1291 2274 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:00:30 00:41:40 00:41:10 147 12 130 6 0 0 122 00:02:34 3
125 Declan Proctor 509 229 M Eastern Bay Super Master 00:00:00 00:40:19 00:40:19 146 0 136 12 0 0 113 00:02:31 3
121 Bobby Pringle 911 4252 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:00:00 00:39:58 00:39:58 144 0 136 12 0 0 111 00:02:29 3
86 Claire O'Gara 1078 4021 F Eastern Bay U25 00:14:00 00:39:56 00:25:56 7 115 5 1 30 33 3 00:01:37 3
78 Helen O'Reilly 869 313 F Eastern Bay Master 00:02:00 00:39:42 00:37:42 95 32 86 3 0 18 62 00:02:21 3
73 Eileen Cantwell 984 802 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:00:00 00:39:33 00:39:33 103 0 104 17 0 0 68 00:02:28 3
106 Joseph McSweeney 1183 592 M Eastern Bay Master 00:04:30 00:39:26 00:34:56 123 40 99 9 0 10 68 00:02:11 3
100 Jeff Clancy 1044 1481 M Eastern Bay Master 00:00:00 00:39:13 00:39:13 141 0 136 12 0 0 93 00:02:27 3
83 Chris Maghrajh 1525 539 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:10:30 00:38:43 00:28:13 40 103 40 5 21 41 18 00:01:45 3
42 Melissa Curran 1350 2542 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:06:30 00:38:26 00:31:56 52 69 50 2 28 44 15 00:01:59 4
73 Kevin Walsh 1554 880 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:13:30 00:38:25 00:24:55 10 131 11 6 59 62 2 00:01:33 3
30 Karen Butterly 695 1164 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:04:00 00:38:03 00:34:03 59 46 65 10 17 34 16 00:02:07 5
29 Ciara Dermody 679 451 F Eastern Bay Vet 00:03:30 00:38:03 00:34:33 65 38 75 8 10 28 17 00:02:09 5
57 Tom Loftus 1237 809 M Eastern Bay Super Master 00:03:00 00:37:51 00:34:51 122 29 118 1 0 14 41 00:02:10 3
49 Conor Fallon 484 456 M Eastern Bay Master 00:06:00 00:37:22 00:31:22 87 57 87 4 9 25 14 00:01:57 4
13 Barbara McManus 682 4405 F Eastern Bay 25-39 00:00:00 00:37:00 00:37:00 91 0 104 17 0 0 10 00:02:18 6
27 Donal Fennell 1046 1678 M Eastern Bay Master 00:04:30 00:36:25 00:31:55 96 40 99 9 14 24 6 00:01:59 5
3 Sheila Knowles 889 1409 F Eastern Bay Super Master 00:00:00 00:36:12 00:36:12 83 0 104 17 0 0 2 00:02:15 8
18 Andrew Dunne 1618 4072 M Eastern Bay Master 00:05:00 00:35:55 00:30:55 73 49 93 6 32 34 2 00:01:55 6
11 Maurice Walsh 474 473 M Eastern Bay Master 00:04:00 00:35:19 00:31:19 85 33 108 7 23 26 2 00:01:57 7
5 Terry Joyce 859 766 M Eastern Bay Master 00:00:00 00:34:17 00:34:17 118 0 136 12 0 0 4 00:02:08 8