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Terence Tinnelly
Club: Eastern Bay
Total Races: 8
Total Qualifier Races: 8
Total SOTY Races: 8
Total SOTY Points: 35
Race Qualifier COTY Points SOTY Points Type Date Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points Best Of Points
Clontarf SC - Low Rock, Malahide Men 08 Jun 35 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:04:00 00:41:26 00:37:26 81 32 96 4 0 28 29 00:02:20 4
Eastern Bay Cups - Low Rock Portmarnock Men 22 Jun 3 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:08:30 00:43:06 00:34:36 75 41 123 7 39 40 2 00:02:18 8
Jim Kavanagh/Plunkett McAllister - Portmarnock Beach Men 06 Jul 38 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:10:30 00:45:25 00:34:55 47 79 54 5 42 61 16 00:02:10 4
LOS - Bray Mixed 28 Jul 63 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:14:00 00:56:28 00:42:28 74 140 55 10 78 65 44 00:02:39 3
LOS + Members Only Swim (Killiney) (Brunch After) Men 03 Aug 33 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:09:00 00:47:36 00:38:36 40 44 41 6 12 26 14 00:02:24 4
High Rock - Portmarnock - 1.9KM & 3.8KM Swim Mixed 10 Aug 24 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:00:00 00:35:52 00:35:52 31 0 0 130 0 0 0 00:01:53 4
Leinster Open Sea Races (Lough Ennell - Lilliput Adventure Centre) ALL RESULTS Mixed 17 Aug 8 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:00:00 00:45:18 00:45:18 10 0 0 51 0 0 0 00:02:49 4
Mixed handicap race/Glenalbyn masters , Dublin SC and LOS - Killiney Qualifier: x2 Best Of Mixed 28 Aug 36 Terence Tinnelly 783 2646 M Eastern Bay Vet 00:08:30 00:42:23 00:33:53 70 00:02:07 4 4