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Rosie Giglia
Club: Trinity
Total Races: 8
Total Qualifier Races: 8
Total SOTY Races: 7
Total SOTY Points: 34
Race Qualifier COTY Points SOTY Points Type Date Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points Best Of Points
Remembrance Swim 1.2KM - Portmarnock Ladies 19 May 18 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:09:15 00:30:57 00:21:42 10 144 14 2 127 131 4 00:01:48 6
Clontarf SC - Low Rock, Malahide Ladies 08 Jun 7 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:12:30 00:45:01 00:32:31 6 81 9 3 75 77 2 00:02:01 7
Leinster Open Sea - Southside - Killiney Best Of Mixed 26 Jun 26 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:05:40 00:37:15 00:31:36 34 00:01:58 4 5
Bob Bushell Trophy - Killiney Mixed 07 Jul 71 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:18:00 00:49:04 00:31:04 47 207 11 5 137 74 6 00:01:49 3
94th Island Race - Ireland's Eye, Howth Mixed 13 Jul 58 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:19:30 00:53:57 00:34:27 50 157 23 1 100 46 4 00:01:33
LOS + Members Only Swim (Killiney) (Brunch After) Ladies 03 Aug 23 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:14:30 00:48:26 00:33:56 9 81 9 3 59 61 2 00:02:07 5
Leinster Open Sea - Sea Point Mixed 11 Aug 11 Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 00:00:37 00:36:15 00:35:38 32 102 81 2 92 80 0 00:01:58 3
Kilmartin Cup - Bray Promenade x2 SOTY/COTY Points Mixed 01 Sep Rosie Giglia 491 1380 F Trinity 25-39 6