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Liz Rouine
Club: Piranha Tri
Total Races: 13
Total Qualifier Races: 13
Total SOTY Races: 13
Total SOTY Points: 48
Race Qualifier COTY Points SOTY Points Type Date Place Name Chip LOS Gender Club Category Handicap Race Time Swim Time Time Place Ahead At Start Behind At Start Same Handicap Positions Gained You Overtook Overtook You Pace/100m SOTY Points Best Of Points
Remembrance Swim 1.2KM - Portmarnock Ladies 19 May 128 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:02:15 00:36:16 00:34:01 123 58 100 2 0 19 86 00:02:50 3
Glenalbyn SC - Seapoint Ladies 25 May 52 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:01:00 00:28:05 00:27:05 112 22 98 12 0 6 27 00:01:48 3
Swan Leisure - Killiney Beach Ladies 26 May 89 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:00:30 00:50:33 00:50:03 95 12 82 5 0 2 74 00:03:20 3
The Siobhan McKenna Cup - Killiney Beach Ladies 01 Jun 85 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:00:00 00:42:29 00:42:29 108 0 109 20 0 0 75 00:02:39 3
Leinster Open Sea - Southside - Killiney Best Of Mixed 26 Jun 84 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:04:21 00:51:02 00:46:42 205 00:02:55 4 3
Eddie Heron/John McCarthy - Killiney Ladies 30 Jun 94 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:05:00 00:49:33 00:44:33 88 22 70 10 0 3 65 00:02:47 3
Bob Bushell Trophy - Killiney Mixed 07 Jul 60 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:03:00 00:48:16 00:45:16 204 18 200 5 0 10 110 00:02:39 3
Templeogue - Killiney Ladies 21 Jul 74 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:02:00 00:50:11 00:48:11 85 10 81 3 0 4 68 00:03:00 3
High Rock - Portmarnock - 1.9KM & 3.8KM Swim Mixed 10 Aug 12 Liz Rouine 460 4406 M Piranha Tri Super Master 00:00:00 00:45:50 00:45:50 117 0 0 130 0 0 0 00:02:24 4
Leinster Open Sea - Sea Point Mixed 11 Aug 88 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:00:11 01:02:39 01:02:28 185 88 95 2 1 0 88 00:03:28 3
North Dublin - Low Rock, Malahide Ladies 31 Aug 40 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:00:00 00:36:20 00:36:20 54 0 52 7 0 0 35 00:02:16 4
Kilmartin Cup - Bray Promenade x2 SOTY/COTY Points Mixed 01 Sep Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 6
94th CJK DĂșn Laoghaire Harbour Race (Historic Cups) x2 SOTY/COTY Points Provisional Ladies 15 Sep 83 Liz Rouine 460 4406 F Piranha Tri Super Master 00:01:00 01:18:12 01:17:12 95 7 93 15 0 2 77 6